Oracle Apex: Reload/Refresh Page Using JavaScript

Sometimes it is required to refresh the whole page instead of refreshing a particular region. In this tutorial, I will show you how to reload/refresh the page using JavaScript in Oracle Apex.

To do this on or after a particular event, surely we need to create a dynamic action to execute JavaScript code.

Create a Dynamic Action to Execute JavaScript Code

As per your need, you can create a dynamic action on a button click or after a dialog window closed, etc. Create a dynamic action for any event and set its type to Execute JavaScript Code and put the following JavaScript code in it:


Below is the screenshot for your reference:

Reload page using JavaScript in Oracle Apex.

Save the changes and you are good to go.

Check more about JavaScript location.reload() function on Mozilla Developer's Network.

Related Tutorial:

Vinish Kapoor
Vinish Kapoor

Vinish Kapoor is a seasoned software development professional and a fervent enthusiast of artificial intelligence (AI). His impressive career spans over 20 years, marked by a relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence in the field of information technology. As an Oracle ACE, Vinish has distinguished himself as a leading expert in Oracle technologies, a title awarded to individuals who have demonstrated their deep commitment, leadership, and expertise in the Oracle community.


  1. Hi Dear,
    please guide me, how can i select first record automatically on page load in side by side master detail form???

  2. I have a graph and I want to refresh that graph region based on selection (list item).How can I do that without completely refresh the entire page. I want to only update this region.

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