About Vinish Kapoor

Welcome to my blog! I'm Vinish Kapoor, a passionate programmer and technology enthusiast.

I embarked on my programming journey in 2001 in Lucknow, the city where I was born. My early days were spent coding in dBase III Plus and FoxPro, which laid the foundation for my transition into Oracle technologies. Over the years, I've honed my skills and expanded my knowledge across various programming languages and platforms.

Currently, I reside in the Delhi NCR region, working with an IT company where I continue to pursue my love for coding. In my free time, I enjoy brainstorming new application ideas and exploring the latest trends in the programming world.

Professional Expertise

My expertise encompasses a wide range of technologies:

I focus on creating concise and practical articles that include code examples, aiming to provide clear solutions and insights for fellow developers and enthusiasts.

Throughout my career, I've developed and implemented software applications across various industries, including:

  • Healthcare and Medical Institutions
  • Education Sector
  • Hospitality Industry
  • Courier and Logistics
  • Legal Services
  • Finance and Share Trading
  • Retail Market

Interests and Hobbies

Beyond the realm of programming, I have a strong interest in meditation and staying physically active through exercise. Traveling has also been a significant part of my life, both personally and professionally. My work has afforded me the opportunity to visit numerous countries such as South Africa, Singapore, Indonesia, Macau, Thailand, Dubai, and Hong Kong.


In recognition of my contributions to the Oracle community, I was honored with the Oracle ACE Award in October 2020. This accolade reflects my commitment to sharing knowledge and supporting others in the field.

Projects and Online Endeavors

I am the founder and maintainer of several websites dedicated to technology and programming:

Through these platforms, I strive to provide valuable resources, tools, and insights to the programming community.

Connect with Me

I always look forward to connecting with like-minded professionals and enthusiasts. Your thoughts, ideas, and feedback are most welcome.

Thank you for visiting, and I hope you find my blog helpful and inspiring.