Oracle Apex - On Close Dialog Refresh Parent Page Regions

In Oracle Apex, when we create a modal dialog form with normal report, then Apex creates a dynamic action for the parent report region to refresh it when the form dialog will close. But if we are creating a report manually then we need to create it ourselves. Here in this tutorial, I will give two examples of dynamic actions, one is to refresh the parent page region on a close dialog by selection type region and another dynamic action is to refresh parent region on a close dialog based on JavaScript expression.

Below is the first example, in which we will create a dynamic action for a report region to refresh it on the close dialog. On my page, I have an interactive report region named "Report 1" and this report having a link column which is opening a dialog form.

1. Dynamic Action for a Report Region to Refresh on Close Dialog

In Oracle Apex page designer, click on the Dynamic Actions tab, then do the right-click on the Close Dialog node and select Create Dynamic Action option and set the following properties:

  • Name: da_report
  • Event: Dialog Closed
  • Selection Type: Region
  • Region: Report 1 (This is the interactive report region on my page)

True Action

  • Action: Refresh
  • Selection Type: Region
  • Region: Report 1

Save the changes and run the report and when you will close the dialog, called from the region "Report 1", it will refresh the report region.

Now I have a button on the same page from which I am calling another dialog form and on close, I want to refresh another region having an interactive grid. To perform this task, I will create a dynamic action based on the JavaScript expression to refresh the parent region. Follow these steps:

2. Dynamic Action based on JavaScript Expression to Refresh Parent Region

In Oracle Apex page designer, click on the Dynamic Actions tab, then do the right-click on the Close Dialog node and select Create Dynamic Action option and set the following properties:

  • Name: da_selectjs
  • Event: Dialog Closed
  • Selection Type: JavaScript Expression
  • JavaScript Expression: window

The following is the screenshot for the above settings:

Oracle Apex dynamic action JavaScript expression.

True Action

  • Action: Refresh
  • Selection Type: Region
  • Region: Report 2 (This is the interactive grid region on my page)

Save the changes and run the page to test.

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Vinish Kapoor
Vinish Kapoor

Vinish Kapoor is a seasoned software development professional and a fervent enthusiast of artificial intelligence (AI). His impressive career spans over 20 years, marked by a relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence in the field of information technology. As an Oracle ACE, Vinish has distinguished himself as a leading expert in Oracle technologies, a title awarded to individuals who have demonstrated their deep commitment, leadership, and expertise in the Oracle community.


  1. Hi Vinish
    Nice video...
    i have one query
    How do i redirect to a page when i click cancel button on print screen?
    Any help would be highly appreciated

  2. Hi,
    How can we open one modal page from another modal page. When i try to do this by turning off the Chained - option to off, my parent modal page stilll closes when the new modal page is opened by button click.

    Do you have any suggestions on achieving this ?

    Thanks in advance.

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