Here are the step by step instructions to install Oracle Apex 19.1 on Windows and Unix/Linux systems. You need to perform eleven easy steps to install it. The following are the version details of OS, Oracle Database and Oracle Application Express used in this demonstration:
- OS Windows 10
- Oracle Database 11g
- Oracle Apex
Installing Oracle Apex 19.1
1. Download Oracle Apex from the following link:
Download Oracle Apex 19.1
2. After downloading, you will get a zip file named something like "". Copy the file from the default download folder and paste it to the folder in which you want to install Oracle Apex 19.1, for example, I moved this file to F:\software\apex19, and after extracting the file, I got the "apex" directory here. Now the complete path of my Oracle Apex installation is F:\software\apex19\apex. On Unix/Linux your directory path could be like /home/usr1/apex19/apex for example.
3. Open the command prompt (CMD) on Windows or Terminal on Unix/Linux and change the directory to the F:\software\apex19\apex as follows:
On Windows:
cd F:\software\apex19\apex
On Unix/Linux:
cd /home/usr1/apex19/apex
4. Now you need to run all the Oracle Apex 19.1 installation scripts from this (F:\software\apex19\apex) location. Start the SQL*PLUS with SYS user credentials to connect to the Oracle Database as shown in the following example:
sqlplus sys/syspsw@orcl as sysdba
Now run the first script as following, note you can change the tablespace names according to your database.
@apexins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/
5. After completing the above script, run the following script for the Oracle Apex run time environment settings. But first, you need to connect to the Oracle Database again because after running the above script it will disconnect you from the Oracle database.
sqlplus sys/syspsw@orcl as sysdba
@apxrtins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/
6. Now run the change password script for the ADMIN user as following and the password must follow the complexity rules, for example, I provided the password as Apex#2019.
sqlplus sys/syspsw@orcl as sysdba
7. Now run the script to copy the Oracle Apex 19.1 images to the apex/images folder. Run the script as follows:
sqlplus sys/syspsw@orcl as sysdba
@apex_epg_config.sql F:\software\apex19\
Note: As I copied the Oracle Apex zip file to the F:\software\apex19 folder, so I am specifying the same directory here for "apex_epg_config.sql" script. Do not include the apex folder in this path.
8. Unlock the APEX_PUBLIC_USER account and specify the password. Don't forget to connect to Oracle using SQL*PLUS if disconnected.
9. Configure Apex RESTful Services as follows:
Connect to Oracle using SQL*PLUS if disconnected.
sqlplus sys/syspsw@orcl as sysdba
10. Set the HTTP port if using HTTP server as follows:
Connect to Oracle using SQL*PLUS if disconnected.
sqlplus sys/syspsw@orcl as sysdba
11. Configure the network ACL for Oracle Apex 19.1 as follows:
For Oracle Database versions 10g/11g, run the below script:
DECLARE ACL_PATH VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN -- Look for the ACL currently assigned to '*' and give APEX_190100 -- the "connect" privilege if APEX_190100 does not have the privilege yet. SELECT ACL INTO ACL_PATH FROM DBA_NETWORK_ACLS WHERE HOST = '*' AND LOWER_PORT IS NULL AND UPPER_PORT IS NULL; IF DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.CHECK_PRIVILEGE(ACL_PATH, 'APEX_190100', 'connect') IS NULL THEN DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.ADD_PRIVILEGE(ACL_PATH, 'APEX_190100', TRUE, 'connect'); END IF; EXCEPTION -- When no ACL has been assigned to '*'. WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.CREATE_ACL('power_users.xml', 'ACL that lets power users to connect to everywhere', 'APEX_190100', TRUE, 'connect'); DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.ASSIGN_ACL('power_users.xml','*'); END; / COMMIT;
DECLARE ACL_PATH VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN -- Look for the ACL currently assigned to 'localhost' and give APEX_190100 -- the "connect" privilege if APEX_190100 does not have the privilege yet. SELECT ACL INTO ACL_PATH FROM DBA_NETWORK_ACLS WHERE HOST = 'localhost' AND LOWER_PORT IS NULL AND UPPER_PORT IS NULL; IF DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.CHECK_PRIVILEGE(ACL_PATH, 'APEX_190100', 'connect') IS NULL THEN DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.ADD_PRIVILEGE(ACL_PATH, 'APEX_190100', TRUE, 'connect'); END IF; EXCEPTION -- When no ACL has been assigned to 'localhost'. WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.CREATE_ACL('local-access-users.xml', 'ACL that lets users to connect to localhost', 'APEX_190100', TRUE, 'connect'); DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.ASSIGN_ACL('local-access-users.xml','localhost'); END; / COMMIT;
For Oracle Database version 12c, run the below script:
BEGIN DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.APPEND_HOST_ACE( host => '*', ace => xs$ace_type(privilege_list => xs$name_list('connect'), principal_name => 'APEX_190100', principal_type => xs_acl.ptype_db)); END; / BEGIN DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.APPEND_HOST_ACE( host => 'localhost', ace => xs$ace_type(privilege_list => xs$name_list('connect'), principal_name => 'APEX_190100', principal_type => xs_acl.ptype_db)); END; /
Now the installation of Oracle Apex 19.1 has been completed, and you test the installation by entering the following URL in the browser:
It means you have already installed Apex 20.1.
You need to remove it prior to new install using the following script:
Hi Vinish, Getting following error on step no 9
'Enter: GetConsoleMode failed, LastError=|6| at C:/Oracle12c/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/perl/site/lib/Term/ line 277.
Please suggest
In Oracle database 12c, you have run the following command to set the current PDB before running any script:
You can check the full tutorial here: Installing Oracle Apex on PDB
Thank you for replying. I am not using normal grid DB not as PDB. Kindly suggest
Thank you for replying. I am using normal grid DB not as PDB. Kindly suggest
It is better to install Oracle Apex on PDB, not on CDB. You can create a PDB with a few commands as below:
Now first run the apexremov.sql to remove the existing installation on CDB, then start running all the scripts and don't forgot to set container database for the session.
Please follow the steps from the link I shared.
This solved my problem Vinish. Thanks a ton!
Hello Vinish,
Could you please guide, why ACL configuration is required
ACL configuration is required, so that the user can connect to Oracle database using the localhost or any other network location and can use the Oracle network services. And in Oracle Apex we connect to Oracle DB via the browser.
Also, required to send emails.
I have installed Apex 19.1 on Oracle I have followed all the steps given in this article but I could not login. It just flash Login Page. What could be the reason.
Through which User id we can login into Apex Web Browser, I tried Apex User and Admin also but it just dont allowed me to login in.
Perhaps you didn't unlocked the ADMIN account. Run the following script again:
It will ask you to change the password for the admin user. Specify the password and then use the ADMIN user with the password you specified to login.
Also make sure that you have unlocked the Apex public user mentioned in the 8th step.
I did every steps as you mentioned. But still i am stuck as Login page only. What could be the reason. I created APEX_LISTENER,Unlock APEX public user etc. but no success.
What exactly error are you getting? Can you share the screenshot.
Also check, if you have successfully executed the script for 7th step. Because if the images were not loaded correctly, then this kind of issue happens.
You can also share your issue in more detail on our q&a forum Maybe you can get the help from other users as well.
I am unable to login using the username password I passed @apxchpwd.sql, how would I login
What error are you getting?
It just pops up a login window and it just ask for username and password, I dont know what values to be passed, I tried all the possible uname and password. but it should have a proper apex login screen with workspace thats doesnt appear.
Repeat the 7th step and make sure you do not get any errors. Most users make a mistake in this step.
For example, you extracted the apex zip installation file at D:\apex19. Then pass this directory name with the script as follows:
Hi Vinish,
I am getting the following error when I try to install APEX 20.2 on Oracle 19c. SQLPLUS is working fine but not sure why it keeps on giving me ORACLE_HOME path error?
Use of uninitialized value $ENV{"ORACLE_HOME"} in concatenation (.) or string at C:\Oracle\db_home/rdbms/admin/ line 13835.
Even I tried to remove already installed APEX version using @apexremove.sql but still I get same error in that and also other error
Can you please help me to install APEX 20.2 to use it as localhost? I have successfully installed Oracle database 19c and its working in SQLPLUS and SQLDeveloper.
HI Vinish,
Ignore my last comment
After using alter session set container = yourpdbname; I have able to install APEX successfully but I get error when I try to run the file @apex_rest_config.sql. The error is as follows
Can you please suggest what steps should I follow to fix this issue?
I think you need to set the ORACLE_HOME system variable.
then browser ask for use name and password .
which username and password need to give
HI Vinish,
Hi Vinish
can we have a blog about new version 20.2 installation please.
Hi, when i try to run apex_admin from browser it is asking userid/password by browser!!
I tried apex admin id/password it does not work. which id/password i should provide here. on internet i checked they are saying its clash of port by oracle database and apex (most probably the server). i tried to install apex with different ports as well e.g. 8181, 8191 but still same issue. please let me know