Below I am giving an example of Oracle stored function to convert currency amount in words using PL/SQL. For example, the amount of $123.45 would translate as One Hundred Twenty-Three Dollar and Forty-Five Cents. Also, you can change the currency in function, for instance, Rupees and Paise.
Oracle PL/SQL Function to Convert The Currency Amount in Words
The following Oracle PL/SQL stored function accepts a numeric argument and has no limitations. A number can be a decimal, integer, and negative number. The function amount_in_words has a function inside check_if_single, and check_if_single function has a n_spell function inside to convert currency amount in words. I was thinking to create a package instead of this function, but I thought that only a function would be easier to maintain.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION amount_in_words (i_amt IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS n_dollar NUMBER; n_cents NUMBER; FUNCTION check_if_single (i_num IN NUMBER, currency IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS FUNCTION n_spell (i_num IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS TYPE w_Array IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2 (255); l_str w_array := w_array ('', ' thousand ', ' million ', ' billion ', ' trillion ', ' quadrillion ', ' quintillion ', ' sextillion ', ' septillion ', ' octillion ', ' nonillion ', ' decillion ', ' undecillion ', ' duodecillion '); l_num VARCHAR2 (50) DEFAULT TRUNC (i_num); l_is_negative BOOLEAN := FALSE; l_return VARCHAR2 (4000); BEGIN IF SIGN (i_num) = -1 THEN l_is_negative := TRUE; l_num := TRUNC (ABS (i_num)); END IF; FOR i IN 1 .. l_str.COUNT LOOP EXIT WHEN l_num IS NULL; IF (SUBSTR (l_num, LENGTH (l_num) - 2, 3) <> 0) THEN l_return := TO_CHAR ( TO_DATE (SUBSTR (l_num, LENGTH (l_num) - 2, 3), 'J'), 'Jsp') || l_str (i) || l_return; END IF; l_num := SUBSTR (l_num, 1, LENGTH (l_num) - 3); END LOOP; IF NOT l_is_negative THEN RETURN INITCAP (l_return); ELSE RETURN 'Negative ' || INITCAP (l_return); END IF; END n_spell; BEGIN IF i_num = 1 THEN RETURN 'One ' || currency; ELSE RETURN n_spell (i_num) || ' ' || currency; END IF; END check_if_single; BEGIN IF i_amt IS NULL THEN RETURN ''; END IF; n_dollar := TRUNC (i_amt); n_cents := (ABS (i_amt) - TRUNC (ABS (i_amt))) * 100; IF NVL (n_cents, 0) > 0 THEN RETURN check_if_single (n_dollar, 'Dollar') || ' and ' || check_if_single (n_cents, 'Cents'); ELSE RETURN check_if_single (n_dollar, 'Dollar'); END IF; END amount_in_words; /
SELECT amount_in_words (89378.58) FROM DUAL;
Eighty-Nine Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-Eight Dollar and Fifty-Eight Cents
Test through a table
SELECT client_code, balance_amt, amount_in_words (balance_amt) balance_amount_in_words FROM account_balance;
88499 | 78849.98 | Seventy-Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-Nine Dollar and Ninety-Eight Cents |
77493 | 7738829.15 | Seven Million Seven Hundred Thirty-Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty-Nine Dollar and Fifteen Cents |
88399 | 99836662388.98 | Ninety-Nine Billion Eight Hundred Thirty-Six Million Six Hundred Sixty-Two Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-Eight Dollar and Ninety-Eight Cents |
97737 | -88993.5 | Negative Eighty-Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-Three Dollar and Fifty Cents |
88948 | 998349 | Nine Hundred Ninety-Eight Thousand Three Hundred Forty-Nine Dollar |
You can change the currency when calling the check_if_single function from amount_in_words function. For example, I changed to Rupees and Paise in the following part of the PL/SQL code:
IF NVL (n_cents, 0) > 0 THEN RETURN check_if_single (n_dollar, 'Rupees') || ' and ' || check_if_single (n_cents, 'Paise'); ELSE RETURN check_if_single (n_dollar, 'Rupees'); END IF;
Test after making the change
SELECT amount_in_words (7836.58) in_words FROM DUAL;
Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty-Six Rupees and Fifty-Eight Paise
Maybe you need to shift the word Rupees from end to starting position of the line depending on your currency format and which can be changed in the above function easily.
See also:
- Utility: Generate PL/SQL Procedure to Export Data From a Table in 2 Minutes