In this blog post, I am giving an example to ZIP a file in PL/SQL. I am using Alexandria PL/SQL Util Library to perform this task. The same library I used for the example of export data to Excel from Oracle Database table. Follow these steps to create a ZIP file using PL/SQL in Oracle.
Create a ZIP File in Oracle Using PL/SQL
- First, download the Alexandria PL/SQL library from the Github using the following link Download.
- After downloading the file, extract it and locate the zip_util_pkg.pks and zip_util_pkg.pkb files in the \alexandria-plsql-utils-master\ora\ directory and execute these scripts in your Oracle Database Schema to install it.
- If any supported objects are needed, then find in the folder \alexandria-plsql-utils-master\ and install it.
- You have installed the utility package and related objects. Now create a directory object in your schema, as shown in below example.
Create OR Replace Directory zip_files as 'c:\zip_files';
- Then create below function in the same Schema to convert a file to a BLOB. This function will be used to create a Zip file using PL/SQL zip_util_pkg package. Also note, that before creating this function change the ZIP_FILES directory name with your database directory object you created above.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION file_to_blob (p_file_name VARCHAR2) RETURN BLOB AS dest_loc BLOB := EMPTY_BLOB (); src_loc BFILE := BFILENAME ('ZIP_FILES', p_file_name); BEGIN DBMS_LOB.OPEN (src_loc, DBMS_LOB.LOB_READONLY); DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY (lob_loc => dest_loc, cache => TRUE, dur => DBMS_LOB.session); DBMS_LOB.OPEN (dest_loc, DBMS_LOB.LOB_READWRITE); DBMS_LOB.LOADFROMFILE (dest_lob => dest_loc, src_lob => src_loc, amount => DBMS_LOB.getLength (src_loc)); DBMS_LOB.CLOSE (dest_loc); DBMS_LOB.CLOSE (src_loc); RETURN dest_loc; END file_to_blob; /
Note: In the following example, file emp.dat must exist in the ZIP_FILES directory we created above.
DECLARE l_file1 BLOB; l_zip BLOB; BEGIN /* emp.dat should be in ZIP_FILES directory location */ l_file1 := file_to_blob ('emp.dat'); zip_util_pkg.add_file (l_zip, 'emp.dat', l_file1); zip_util_pkg.finish_zip (l_zip); /* it will create the zip file named in the ZIP_FILES directory */ zip_util_pkg.save_zip (l_zip, 'ZIP_FILES', ''); END; /
You can now check the location of ZIP_FILES directory for the file.
To ZIP Multiple Files
DECLARE l_file1 BLOB; l_file2 BLOB; l_zip BLOB; BEGIN l_file1 := file_to_blob ('emp.dat'); l_file2 := file_to_blob ('scott.sql'); zip_util_pkg.add_file (l_zip, 'emp.dat', l_file1); zip_util_pkg.add_file (l_zip, 'scott.sql', l_file2); zip_util_pkg.finish_zip (l_zip); zip_util_pkg.save_zip (l_zip, 'ZIP_FILES', ''); END; /
See also:
- Unzip a File in PL/SQL
- Create JSON File in Oracle 11g Using PL/SQL
- Export Data From Oracle SQL Developer to Excel
- Create PDF Files Using PL/SQL
How run pdf report & send email from oracle database automatically daily
Hi Team,
Upon following the same steps using the package zip_util_pkg, I could zip the files (3 PDF files) and it's size is 127k (of course as you know we can not predict the size) where as when zipped only one PDF file and could able to send zip file of size 19k.
Then after when I tried to send the zip file of size 127k using utl_mail.send_attach_raw, I am getting the below error:
[Error] Execution (1: 1): ORA-06525: Length Mismatch for CHAR or RAW data
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 127
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 1204
ORA-06512: at line 29
vinhandle UTL_FILE.file_type;
rfile RAW(32767); --change the size accordingly
flen NUMBER;
filename varchar2(100);
bsize NUMBER;
vrec VARCHAR2 (30) := ''; --receipant email id
vsender VARCHAR2 (30) := ''; --sender's email id
vsubj VARCHAR2 (50) := 'Testing attached email'; --subject
vmesg VARCHAR2 (4000);
vmtype VARCHAR2 (30) := 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii';
lcl_data_path VARCHAR2(300);
lcl_data_path:='SHIPPING_DOC_DIR_RNO'; -- Directory of the server path where in files and zip file exist.
filename := '';
vmesg := 'Please find the file attachment';
vinhandle := UTL_FILE.fopen (lcl_data_path, '', 'rb');
UTL_FILE.fgetattr (lcl_data_path, '', ex, flen, bsize);
UTL_FILE.get_raw (vinhandle, rfile, flen);
UTL_FILE.fclose (vinhandle);
utl_mail.send_attach_raw (sender => vsender,
recipients => vrec,
subject => vsubj,
MESSAGE => vmesg,
attachment => rfile,
att_inline => FALSE,
att_filename => filename