How to UNZIP a File in PL/SQL?

In my previous post, I have given an example to ZIP a file using PL/SQL in Oracle, and in this post, I am explaining to how to extract a ZIP file, or unzip a file in PL/SQL using the same Alexandria PL/SQL utility package.

Follow These Steps to Unzip (Extract) a ZIP File Using PL/SQL in Oracle

  1. Click on the Download the Alexandria PL/SQL Utility Package to download the package first.
  2. Then extract the ZIP file and locate the below mentioned four files in the alexandria-plsql-utils-master\ora\ directory:
  • zip_util_pkg.pks
  • zip_util_pkg.pkb
  • file_util_pkg.pks
  • file_util_pkg.pkb
  1. Install these scripts in your Oracle Database Schema and while installing if there is an error due to missing object, then find in the alexandria-plsql-utils-master\extras directory and install it.
  2. Now create a directory object in Oracle for your ZIP files location, as shown in below example.
Create OR Replace Directory UNZIP_FILES as 'c:\my_zip_files';

You can now extract a ZIP file using PL/SQL, as shown in below example.

Unzip a File in PL/SQL Example

fl zip_util_pkg.t_file_list;
l_file BLOB;
/* specify the directory object and your ZIP file to get_file_list function */
fl := zip_util_pkg.get_file_list ('UNZIP_FILES', '');

IF fl.COUNT () > 0
FOR i IN fl.FIRST .. fl.LAST

l_file := zip_util_pkg.GET_FILE ('UNZIP_FILES', '', fl (i));

file_util_pkg.save_blob_to_file ('UNZIP_FILES', fl (i), l_file);

Check the folder location for UNZIP_FILES directory object, and you will find the extracted files.

See also:

Vinish Kapoor
Vinish Kapoor

Vinish Kapoor is a seasoned software development professional and a fervent enthusiast of artificial intelligence (AI). His impressive career spans over 20 years, marked by a relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence in the field of information technology. As an Oracle ACE, Vinish has distinguished himself as a leading expert in Oracle technologies, a title awarded to individuals who have demonstrated their deep commitment, leadership, and expertise in the Oracle community.


  1. This is good, only thing is that it takes lot of time to unzip files. for 6290 files it took 1 hr to unzip all files which is too much. I have a client where there are 300000 files to be unzipped. Imagine how much time it will take !!

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