This Oracle Apex tutorial shows you, how to display an icon in the column of an interactive report.
The following is the table used in the example for an interactive report.
There is a column RESIGNED
in the above EMP
table, for which we will use the Check icon (✓) if resigned and Cross icon (✗) if not, as shown in the below image:
Follow these steps to create an interactive report with the icon column:
Display Icon in Column of an Interactive Report in Oracle Apex
1. Create an interactive report with the following query:
select EMPNO, ENAME, SAL, MGRNO, HIREDATE, DEPTNO, RESIGNED, DECODE(NVL(RESIGNED, 'N'), 'Y', 'fa fa-check-circle', 'fa fa-times-circle') icon, DECODE(NVL(RESIGNED, 'N'), 'Y', 'green', 'red') icon_color from EMP
I have added two more columns in the above query, one is ICON
and the second is ICON_COLOR
using the DECODE
function. If the RESIGNED
column value is Y then it will show 'fa fa-check-circle' icon and if N then the 'fa fa-times-circle' icon.
2. Now make the columns ICON
for the report.
3. Then click on the column RESIGNED
and in the Column Formatting > HTML Expression, add the following HTML expression:
<span class="#ICON#" style="color: #ICON_COLOR#"></span>
Here we are using our columns ICON
to display instead of the RESIGNED
column value.
Below is the image for your reference:
Save the changes and run the report. You will have the following output:
If you want to include column value with icon, then use the following HTML Expressions:
To show column value with icon color:
<span class="#ICON#" style="color: #ICON_COLOR#"> #RESIGNED#</span>
Without icon color:
<span class="#ICON#" style="color: #ICON_COLOR#"></span> #RESIGNED#
See also:
- Oracle Apex: Download CSV from Interactive Report from Another Page
- Oracle Apex: Highlight Row on Link Click of Interactive Report
- Oracle Apex: Set Page Items Value Using JavaScript on the Click of a Link in Interactive Report
This is useful when we have to only display the icon based on the saved data but when icon should also get changed based on other column's value, when we edit the other column in the report without submitting the this scenario could you suggest me how we can handle this.