In this tutorial, I am giving an example to implement Java code in Oracle Database using the stored function. We can create Java programs in the Oracle database by using CREATE OR REPLACE AND COMPILE JAVA SOURCE statement. After that, we can refer that code in a stored function or a stored procedure with AS LANGUAGE JAVA clause. The following are the steps to implement Java in Oracle Database.
Java in Oracle Database Example
- The following is the Java Hello World program example. First, we will add Java code using the CREATE OR REPLACE AND COMPILE AS JAVA SOURCE statement in Oracle database.
CREATE OR REPLACE AND COMPILE JAVA SOURCE NAMED "Hello" AS public class Hello { public static String World() { return "Hello World!"; } }; /
- Now create a stored function referring to the above Java program in Oracle database.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION helloworld RETURN VARCHAR2 AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'Hello.World () return java.lang.String'; / DECLARE v_string VARCHAR2 (100 CHAR); BEGIN v_string := helloworld (); END; /
You can test it now:
SELECT helloworld FROM DUAL;
HELLOWORLD -------------------------- Hello World! 1 row selected.
- Oracle For LOOP Select Statement Example
- How to Return ResultSet from Stored Procedure in Oracle
- How to create a Drop-Down list in Oracle Forms
how to write an import statement in the Oracle java code
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I would like to invoke the REST API from PL/SQL and for that I would like to Jar file which i can basically load from LoadJava Utility. I am currently facing issue with calling Java class developed in Eclipse and it fails. Q- Do i need some special privelege or what will be the way to call the class or .jar file form Store Procedure
Have you given the following permissions to your user/schema before loading the jar files?
If not then you can try to execute the above commands by changing the USERNAME with your Oracle schema name.