In this tutorial, you will learn how to call Oracle function in Python. I am giving an example by using cx_Oracle library callfunc function in the Python program. The following are the syntax details and the sample programs.
CX_Oracle callfunc Function Syntax
cursor.callfunc('oracle_function_name', variable_to_hold_return_value, [argument_1, argument_2, ...])
Oracle Database Function Example
The following Oracle function will take two number arguments to calculate the percentage of first number by second number.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION calc_percentage (p_1 IN NUMBER, p_2 IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS n_pct NUMBER := 0; BEGIN IF p_1 IS NOT NULL THEN n_pct := (p_1 * p_2) / 100; END IF; RETURN n_pct; END calc_percentage; /
Example to Call Oracle Function in Python
The below Python program will call the above Oracle function by passing n_1 as first parameter and n_2 as the second parameter. Also, n_pct Number variable is used to hold the return value by function.
import cx_Oracle con = cx_Oracle.connect('scott/tiger@localhost/orcl') cur = con.cursor() n_pct = cur.var(cx_Oracle.NUMBER) n_1 = 80 n_2 = 20 cur.callfunc('calc_percentage', n_pct, [n_1, n_2]) print (str(n_2)+"%", " Percent of ", n_1, " is: ", n_pct.getvalue()) cur.close() con.close()
20% Percent of 80 is: 16.0