You have installed the Python and cx_Oracle package, and now you want to import the cx_Oracle package in PyCharm to use in your Python applications. But to import the cx_Oracle in PyCharm first, you need to install the cx_Oracle package in PyCharm too. Below I am explaining the steps to how to install the cx_Oracle package in PyCharm.
But if you haven't installed the cx_Oracle package yet, then you can check the following post to how to install cx_Oracle package for Python on Windows.
Follow These Steps to Install and Import CX_Oracle Package in PyCharm
- Open PyCharm and then Open your project.
- Click on the menu File > Settings and then the Settings window will open.
- In the Settings window, click on the Project node to expand and then click on the Project Interpreter.
- Then on the right side, click on the + button to open Available Packages window, as shown in below image. Then search for cx_Oracle in the search box. Below you will find the cx_Oracle package. Click on it to select and then click on the Install Package button as shown below.
You have installed the cx_Oracle package, and now you can use it in your Python applications by importing it.
Import cx_Oracle in PyCharm Example
import cx_Oracle connection = cx_Oracle.connect("scott", "tiger", "localhost/orcl") cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(""" SELECT empno, ename FROM emp WHERE deptno = :did""", did = 30) print("List of Employees in Department: 30") for fempno, fename in cursor: print("Employee No:", fempno, "Employee Name:", fename)
List of Employees in Department: 30 Employee No: 7499 Employee Name: ALLEN Employee No: 7521 Employee Name: WARD Employee No: 7654 Employee Name: MARTIN Employee No: 7698 Employee Name: BLAKE Employee No: 7844 Employee Name: TURNER Employee No: 7900 Employee Name: JAMES Process finished with exit code 0
Hi Vinish,
I am having some issues because when I search PyCharm, the cx_Oracle package does not display. Do you perhaps know what could be causing this?
Thank you for posting this article.
Try finding cx-oracle. I think underscore is now changed with hyphen.